Unofficial modifications
nieoficjalne modyfikacje for?w phpBB by Przemo

Pomoc dla modyfikacji - Spider Friendly

shadown - Nie 04 Lut, 2007
Temat postu: Spider Friendly
Mam pytanko zainstalowa?em moda i teraz mam problem

Po wej?ciu do panelu sterowania

1. Jak skonfigurowa? Spider Friendly
2. Po naci?nieciu w wyszukiwarki jest napisane Could not obtain log information


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'freekom.SPIDER_LOG_TABLE' doesn't exist


Line : 109
File : functions_admin_sf.php

3. Po naci?ni?ciu podgl?d mapy forum jest napisane

Could not query topic info


SQL Error : 1064 Something is wrong in your syntax obok '' w linii 12

SELECT c.cat_id, c.cat_title, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.auth_view, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_last_post_id, t.topic_replies, p.poster_id, p.enable_html, p.enable_smilies, pt.bbcode_uid, pt.post_text, u.user_level, u.user_allowhtml FROM phpbb_topics t LEFT JOIN phpbb_forums f ON f.forum_id = t.forum_id LEFT JOIN phpbb_posts p ON p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id LEFT JOIN phpbb_posts_text pt ON pt.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id LEFT JOIN phpbb_users u ON u.user_id = p.poster_id LEFT JOIN phpbb_categories c ON c.cat_id = f.cat_id WHERE f.auth_view = 0 AND f.auth_read = 0 AND IF(f.forum_moderate, p.post_approve, 1) ORDER BY c.cat_order, f.forum_order, t.topic_last_post_id DESC LIMIT 0,

Line : 109
File : sitemap.php

Dowiedzia?em sie ze powinienem w SQL'e wpisa?

#-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value)
VALUES('sf_mod_rewrite_enabled', 1),
('sf_rewrite_all_htm', 1),
('sf_rewrite_index', 0),
('sf_rewrite_mode', 1),
('sf_simplify_pages', 1),
('sf_charset_mapping', 'auto'),
('sf_fake_dirs', 1),
('sf_postlink_rewrite', 0),
('sf_max_keywords_length', 768),
('sf_sitemap_enabled', 1),
('sf_show_lastpost_link', 0),
('sf_map_index_only', 1),
('sf_map_mode_listonly', 1),
('sf_topics_per_page', 30),
('sf_log_spiders', 1),
('sf_spider_session_length', 3600),
('sf_cache_refresh_mode', 'post'),
('sf_cache_read_mode', 'file-direct'),
('sf_show_bots_on_index', 1),
('sf_shmop_lasttoken', -1);
CREATE TABLE phpbb_spider_log (
log_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
spider_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
spider_firstvisit int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
spider_lastvisit int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
spider_hits mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (log_id),
KEY spider_lastvisit (spider_lastvisit)
ALTER TABLE phpbb_sessions ADD session_bot VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE phpbb_sessions ADD INDEX (session_bot(2));

Ale teraz forum ju? wog?le nie dzia?a i nie wiem co zrobi???? POMOCy

KnofeL - Nie 04 Lut, 2007

A prefix tabeli zmieni?e? ?? :roll:

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