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Modyfikacje mniejsze - [shoutbox] Hide input

Kula - Pią 24 Lis, 2006
Temat postu: [shoutbox] Hide input
W sumie to ?adna modyfikacja ale mo?e komu? si? przyda

U?ytkownik nie zalogowany nie ma mo?liwo?ci pisania shoutbox`ie bo nie widzi pola do pisania :D

U?ytkownik nie zalogowany

U?ytkownik zalogowany

Jest to troche bez sensu bo mo?na ustawi? w Pa brak mo?liwo?ci pisania w SB

Instrukcja :
Otw?rz plik shoutbox_body.tpl

Znajd? :

<td class="row1" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gensmall">
{L_GG_MES}: <input type="text" name="message" style="height:17px;font-size:9px;width:360px;" size="60" maxlength="{MAXLENGHT}" value="" class="post" onFocus="Active(this)" onBlur="NotActive(this)">
&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="{L_SEND}" class="button" style="font-size:9px; height:17px;" onclick="this.form.submit(); post.message.value=''; return false;">&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="refresh" value="R" stle="font-size:9px; height:17px; cursor: pointer" title="{L_REFRESH}" class="button" onclick="post.message.value=''; onclick="post.message.value=''; this.form.submit();" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="submit"></span></td>

Zamie? na :

<!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
<td class="row1" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gensmall">
{L_GG_MES}: <input type="text" name="message" style="height:17px;font-size:9px;width:360px;" size="60" maxlength="{MAXLENGHT}" value="" class="post" onFocus="Active(this)" onBlur="NotActive(this)">
&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="{L_SEND}" class="button" style="font-size:9px; height:17px;" onclick="this.form.submit(); post.message.value=''; return false;">&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="refresh" value="R" stle="font-size:9px; height:17px; cursor: pointer" title="{L_REFRESH}" class="button" onclick="post.message.value=''; onclick="post.message.value=''; this.form.submit();" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="submit"></span></td>
<!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->

Pizzadude - Pią 24 Lis, 2006

Nie wiem, co tam napisa?e? w Hidden message, ale <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->, to chyba ka?dy maj?cy lekkie poj?cie o stylach, m?g?by doda? do tpl'a z KrzyKaczem. :)

[ Dodano: Pi? 24 Lis, 2006 ]
No dok?adnie. :D

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