Zainstalowa?em dzisiaj, ?miga a? mi?o Tylko mam jeden problem, mianowicie w starych postach nie dzia?? znacznik . Trzeba klikn?c sobie edytuj i wy?la?. W nowych ju? dzia?a bez problemu Mo?na to jakos automatycznie naprawic, czy musze klika? ka?dego posta ?
znalazlem jeden blad, nie wiem czy tylko u mnie on wystepuje, ale opisze w czym tkwi problem. Mianowicie, gdy sie wejdzie w profil danego usera i najedzie myszka na link "ostatni post" to wyswietla sie tabelka z trescia ostatniego postu i jak jest w poscie uzyty znacznik hide to wyswietla jego zwartosc, dodam screena, aby bardziej ukazac ten problem,, wiesz jak to poprawi?? A mo?e kto? inny wie?
_________________ i have been waiting, all of my life, for you to come along and make everything all right. my body shaking, right through the bones, so take my by the hand, please don't leave me here alone. and i wonder if you know just how i feel, i feel... yeah... and i wonder how i know it is... it's real... it's real. coz' i want you to save me, just please save me, save me... coz' i need you to save me, just please save me, save me...
Ostatnio zmieniony przez qbs Pon 20 Lis, 2006, w całości zmieniany 3 razy
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/kastak/domains/ on line 909
kastak, michaelxp91, lookajcie w zalacznikiAby móc ściągnąć załącznik musisz się zalogować.
_________________ i have been waiting, all of my life, for you to come along and make everything all right. my body shaking, right through the bones, so take my by the hand, please don't leave me here alone. and i wonder if you know just how i feel, i feel... yeah... and i wonder how i know it is... it's real... it's real. coz' i want you to save me, just please save me, save me... coz' i need you to save me, just please save me, save me...
_________________ i have been waiting, all of my life, for you to come along and make everything all right. my body shaking, right through the bones, so take my by the hand, please don't leave me here alone. and i wonder if you know just how i feel, i feel... yeah... and i wonder how i know it is... it's real... it's real. coz' i want you to save me, just please save me, save me... coz' i need you to save me, just please save me, save me...
Jeszcze jeden problem... W tagu wykonuj? si? inne tagi, np. url, img... Co zrobi?, aby po wpisaniu w np by?a widoczna w?asnie ta tre?c, a nie ten obrazek ?
od tego jest opcja: Nie parsuj zawarto?ci znacznika
_________________ i have been waiting, all of my life, for you to come along and make everything all right. my body shaking, right through the bones, so take my by the hand, please don't leave me here alone. and i wonder if you know just how i feel, i feel... yeah... and i wonder how i know it is... it's real... it's real. coz' i want you to save me, just please save me, save me... coz' i need you to save me, just please save me, save me...
_________________ i have been waiting, all of my life, for you to come along and make everything all right. my body shaking, right through the bones, so take my by the hand, please don't leave me here alone. and i wonder if you know just how i feel, i feel... yeah... and i wonder how i know it is... it's real... it's real. coz' i want you to save me, just please save me, save me... coz' i need you to save me, just please save me, save me...
[ Dodano: Pon 27 Lis, 2006 ]
mi tam dziala bez problemu
_________________ i have been waiting, all of my life, for you to come along and make everything all right. my body shaking, right through the bones, so take my by the hand, please don't leave me here alone. and i wonder if you know just how i feel, i feel... yeah... and i wonder how i know it is... it's real... it's real. coz' i want you to save me, just please save me, save me... coz' i need you to save me, just please save me, save me...
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