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Zamknięty przez: qbs
Pią 05 Maj, 2006
RANKS -> COLORS in 1.12.*
Web mastah

Posty: 165
Piwa: 38/4
Skąd: Krak?w
Wysłany: Sro 03 Maj, 2006   RANKS -> COLORS in 1.12.*
   Adres forum: http://maxprogram.pl/forum

You don't need to install any additional mods for this function. It's attached to phpBB by Przemo 1.12.*.

We can see 3 standard ranks:
AdministratorJunior AdminModerator

We can:
1. change their color
2. delete these ranks and add ours, with other color, style etc. (eg. 'Administrator' change to '@Admin').

!Attention: before changing anything, switch attributes of your css file (CHMOD) to 777. (how to do it?)

ACP :arrow: GENERAL ADMIN :arrow: STYLES ADMIN :arrow: EDIT STYLES DATA :arrow: choose your style and click edit.
Find the Admin, Junior Admin and Moderator fields. Change color to another. Click 'Submit'.


ACP :arrow: GENERAL ADMIN :arrow: STYLES ADMIN :arrow: EDIT STYLES DATA :arrow: choose your style and click edit.
Find the Admin, Junior Admin and Moderator fields. Clear them. Click 'Submit'.

Then go to ACP :arrow: GROUP ADMIN :arrow: MANAGEMENT :arrow: CREATE NEW GROUP.
Fill in the form, entering rank's color, prefix and style (using css - for example, bold, italic or underline). Click 'Submit'. Done!

If you want to create eg. Moderator group, then after create in group permissions give it moderator permissions on selected forums.

Easy, isn't it? ;)

Originally posted by bulion, translated by pietrex
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