Zainstalowa?em go i super dzia?a tylko ze w profilu jest napis points a nie pisze ile mam pt. Cos musia?em skopac jaki moze to byc plik?? Nie bede przegladac wszystkich po kolei gdyz sama instalacja zaje?a mi p?? godziny.
Moda do wersji 1.12.5 przystosowa? Szpak!
Tak wiec, jakie moga byc to pliki??
# #
# Pobrane ze strony #
# #
## MOD Title: Points System
## MOD Author: eXplosive <ssjslim at yahoo dot com>
## MOD Description: A points system to use for anything you want on your board.
## MOD Version: 2.0.0
## z Instrukcji dla wersji phpBB by Przemo by RuseK
## [ | ]
## Instrukcja dla wersji phpBB by Przemo 1.9.5 by szpak
## [ | ]
## Installation Level: moderate
## Installation Time: 20 Minutes
## Files To Edit: admin/admin_forums.php
## admin/admin_users.php
## includes/functions_post.php
## includes/usercp_register.php
## includes/usercp_viewprofile.php
## language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
## language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## memberlist.php
## posting.php
## profile.php
## templates/subSilver/admin/forum_edit_body.tpl
## templates/subSilver/admin/user_edit_body.tpl
## templates/subSilver/memberlist_body.tpl
## templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl
## templates/subSilver/profile_view_body.tpl
## templates/subSilver/viewtopic_body.tpl
## viewtopic.php --- zedytowany
## admin/modules_data.php
## Included Files: admin/admin_points.php
## includes/functions_points.php
## language/lang_english/email/user_notify_donation.tpl
## mod_install.php
## mod_uninstall.php
## mod_upgrade.php
## pointscp.php
## templates/subSilver/admin/points_config_body.tpl
## templates/subSilver/points_system.tpl
## update_user_points.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at:
## Author Notes:
## You should change all your languages and themes if you use others
## then English and subSilver. This mod was made for version 2.0.4
## of phpBB.
## Installation
## 1) Upload all files to their respective locations.
## 2) Run mod_install.php from your web broswer to make the table changes.
## 3) If you want to give points for users' current posts run update_user_points.php.
## 4) Delete mod_install.php, mod_uninstall.php, mod_upgrade.php, and update_user_points.php.
## 5) Read below to make the rest of the changes.
## Upgrading
## 1) Remove all previous file edits.
## 2) Upload all files to their respective locations.
## 3) Run mod_upgrade.php from your web broswer to make the table changes.
## 4) If you want to give points for users' current posts run update_user_points.php.
## 5) Delete mod_install.php, mod_uninstall.php, mod_upgrade.php, and update_user_points.php.
## 6) Read below to make the rest of the changes.
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
#-----[ Zgraj pliki na serwer ]-------------------------------------------
#-----[ Po tym dodaj ]------------------------------------------
// Points System MOD - Admin
$lang['Points_updated'] = 'Points Configuration Updated Successfully';
$lang['Click_return_points'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Points Configuration';
$lang['Points_config_explian'] = 'The form below will allow you to edit your point system configuration.';
$lang['Points_sys_settings'] = 'Points System Settings';
$lang['Points_disabled'] = 'Disable %s';
$lang['Points_enable_post'] = 'Earn %s by posting';
$lang['Points_enable_donation'] = 'Enable Donation';
$lang['Points_name'] = 'Points Name';
$lang['Points_per_reply'] = 'Points Per Reply';
$lang['Points_per_topic'] = 'Points Per New Topic';
$lang['Points_user_group_auth'] = 'Authorized Groups';
$lang['Points_enable_post_explain'] = 'Let users earn %s by posting new topics and replies';
$lang['Points_enable_donation_explain'] = 'Let users donate %s to their friends';
$lang['Points_name_explain'] = 'Whatever you call your points on your board e.g. (money, gil, gold)';
$lang['Points_per_reply_explain'] = 'The amount of %s they earn per reply';
$lang['Points_per_topic_explain'] = 'The amount of %s they earn per new topic';
$lang['Points_user_group_auth_explain'] = 'Enter ids of groups who are authorized to access the points control panel, one id per line.';
// End Points System MOD - Admin
#-----[ Po tym dodaj ]------------------------------------------
// Points System MOD
$lang['Points_cp'] = 'Points Control Panel';
$lang['Points_sys'] = 'Points System';
$lang['Points_donation'] = 'Points Donation';
$lang['Points_method'] = 'Method';
$lang['Points_donate'] = '%sDonate%s';
$lang['Points_add_subtract'] = 'Add or subtract %s';
$lang['Points_amount'] = 'Amount';
$lang['Points_give_take'] = 'Amount of %s to give or take';
$lang['Points_give'] = 'Amount of %s to give';
$lang['Add'] = 'Add';
$lang['Subtract'] = 'Subtract';
$lang['Points_donate_to'] = 'The person you want to donate %s to';
$lang['Points_no_username'] = 'No username entered.';
$lang['Points_not_admin'] = 'You are not allowed to admin the points system.';
$lang['Points_cant_take'] = 'You can\'t take away that amount of %s from this user.'; //*
$lang['Points_thanks_donation'] = 'Thanks for your donation.';
$lang['Click_return_points_donate'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Points Donation';
$lang['Points_cant_donate'] = 'You can\'t donate that amount of %s to this user.';
$lang['Points_cant_donate_self'] = 'You can\'t donate %s to yourself.';
$lang['Points_user_donation_off'] = 'User donation is not enabled.';
$lang['Click_return_pointscp'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Points Control Panel';
$lang['Points_user_updated'] = 'The user\'s %s has been updated successfully.';
$lang['Points_mass_edit'] = 'Mass Edit Usernames';
$lang['Points_mass_edit_explain'] = 'Enter one username per line.';
$lang['Points_notify'] = 'Always notify me of %s donations';
$lang['Points_notify_explain'] = 'Sends an e-mail when someone donates %s to you';
$lang['Points_enter_some_donate'] = 'Enter some %s to donate.';
// End Points System MOD
#-----[ Po tym dodaj ]------------------------------------------
// Points System MOD - Admin
$lang['Points_updated'] = 'Konfiguracja punkt?w zosta?a zmieniony pomy¶lnie';
$lang['Click_return_points'] = 'Kliknij %sTutaj%s aby powr?ci? do Konfiguracji Punkt?w';
$lang['Points_config_explian'] = 'Poni?szy formularz pozwala tobie na zmienianie konfiguracji twojego systemu punkt?w.';
$lang['Points_sys_settings'] = 'Ustawienia Systemu Punkt?w';
$lang['Points_disabled'] = 'Wy?±cz %s';
$lang['Points_enable_post'] = 'Dodawaj %s po napisaniu post?w';
$lang['Points_enable_donation'] = 'W?±cz Dotacj?';
$lang['Points_name'] = 'Nazwa dla punkt?w';
$lang['Points_per_reply'] = 'Punkty za Odpowied?';
$lang['Points_per_topic'] = 'Punkty za Nowy Temat';
$lang['Points_user_group_auth'] = 'Gry Autoryzowane';
$lang['Points_enable_post_explain'] = 'Pozw?l u?ytkownikom zdobywa? %s za pisanie nowych temat?w oraz odpowiedzi';
$lang['Points_enable_donation_explain'] = 'Pozw?l u?ytkowniom dotowa? %s ich przyjacio?om';
$lang['Points_name_explain'] = 'Wpisz nazw? dla punkt?w kt?ra b?dzie u?ywana na forum np. (pieni±dze, z?oto)';
$lang['Points_per_reply_explain'] = 'Liczba %s kt?re zostan± dodane za napisanie odpowiedzi do tematu';
$lang['Points_per_topic_explain'] = 'Liczba %s kt?re zostan± dodane za napisanie nowego tematu';
$lang['Points_user_group_auth_explain'] = 'Wpisz ID grup, kt?re b?d± mia?y dost?p do Panelu Kontrolnego Grup. Wpisz jeden ID w jednej linii';
// End Points System MOD - Admin
dodatek bardzo ciekawy jednak i w tej wersji nie poradzono sobie z jednym b??dem - mianowicie po skasowaniu jakiego? posta u?ytkownika punkty nie zmniejszaj? si?, co mo?e powodowa? sztuczne nabijanie sobie dodatkowych punkt?w
Hmm mi sie wydaje rutek, ze to mozna przezyc
Fajny modzik i jak zwykle sie pomyli?em includes/usercp_register.php .... zawsze gdy instaluje mody musze tutaj cos skopac Nie wiem dlaczego akurat tutaj
Nie możesz pisać nowych tematów Nie możesz odpowiadać w tematach Nie możesz zmieniać swoich postów Nie możesz usuwać swoich postów Nie możesz głosować w ankietach Nie możesz załączać plików na tym forum Nie możesz ściągać załączników na tym forum
Za treść postów administracja nie odpowiada. W przypadku naruszenia prawa, wszelkie zgromadzone dane o osobie łamiącej prawo, zostaną przekazane odpowiednim władzom. Kopiowanie elementów graficznych oraz rozwiązań technologicznych zastosowanych na niniejszej witrynie surowo wzbronione.
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